
if you would like to leave a message or comment on this site please email:

and your message will be displayed in this page. please make the email subject your name or the name you would like displayed with your message (anonymous is fine). your message can be anything. positive or negative i dont mind. i think it will be fun to collect.




a ransom note written on the night skyabove



Pigeon Scratch

Your music has been an absolute joy to listen to, and you're utterly fantastic. Thank you for being here and showcasing your beautiful sounds, and thank you for being a good friend of mine this past year or so. <3




I would like to say so much about you and to you and I hope some day I'm able to, its kind of overwhelming. Almost every thing you communicate somehow reveals something I didn't know, whether in your music or in things that you say. I think you're the kindest person to me I've ever known; maybe I'm just really stuck in a blinkered perspective but in this moment I believe it. I was planning to write something about my thoughts on your posts but I guess whenever I start writing something thoughtful and careful to you or about you it just becomes sappy and you said its okay for messages on here to be anything I guess. I wish i could completely know you, hold onto you and make you happy.




I love your site, because it’s real and fascinating and genuine
Wish you the best always ❤
p.s. hei gus




if balls are bing boingo oopsie daisy awaaowaow








I hope that I can live a life so worthwhile that the negativity you have experienced to live your life up to the point where I met you is less powerful than the positivity I create in the world, because of the happiness I've received from you. In other words, I hope that I am able to magnify the happiness knowing you brings me, to be greater than the total unhappiness you have felt.



a space probe

i love the way you think and see the world, and i loved reading about things like the sky and internet romance, and each word you wrote was another second i could spend in another world, like my own, but beautifully different. it would be a shame for that world to go away.

sometimes i feel the way you describe. that i was brought here from another place, that i don't belong here, that i'm only a surveyor or observer. but i don't feel any remorse over it. in fact, i think it's fun. i'm going to see what this place has to show me, i'll keep my mission close to my heart - a probe from another star - and i'll bring back all that i've learned about this place when i come back to my real home




not even sure where to begin - guess i'll start with i love your music. i remember one time jen sent you a screenshot or something of me saying that you were quickly becoming one of my new favorite artists, and i got a little starstruck (probably more than i should have) when she sent me your response. no longer human is easily my favorite track of yours. it has an ability to put to music an emotion i can't really describe, although reading this website has given me more of an insight into what that might be. detachment, derealization, no longer feeling human. it's incredibly powerful to me and, while i haven't felt that very often, it's still something i've experienced, so hearing a song that felt like that even a little bit meant a lot. it even chokes me up a bit sometimes, and i don't/can't cry that often.

words are hard. i wish there was a way for me to meld my mind with yours so you could understand what i want to say. it's more than just "it'll be okay" or anything like that. unfortunately i'm restricted by the walls in my mind that separate my feelings from their words. it would be much simpler if i could just transmit those thoughts to you so you'd understand them without the limiting device of words. maybe there's some cosmic energy in this post and you'll get an idea. at the end of the day, though, all i have are these. so in the event that i can't transmit these abstract thoughts to you or you don't pick up any stardust from this post (which seems the most likely), there's this: i wish the absolute best for you. i hope the sludge in your mind clears up, i hope you thrive. i hope you find happiness someday. maybe even sooner rather than later. i can tell you're in a really dark place right now. i've been there too. i have no advice, there's none to give. all i have are wishes and hopes - no telling if they mean anything right now.

love from afar



the follow up

the follow up




I really like the picture you used in the fast food post, its cute. I really like your appreciation of the packaging on the different foods too. Baskin Robbins was my favourite one to read about.




You look really cute pretending to be a dino. I wish I could look after you in a house, with the space to be completely alone when you need to be. I could protect you from other people and take you out to the zoo or wherever you want to go. I don't know if you would really like that though. I hope you can solidify and be closer. Whatever you do, you bring me happiness and ease pain; my fantasy of having you safe and close is selfish I think. It is fun being obsessive about you but it is not a drain.



a greeting

I'm just some random stranger, and our paths will likely never cross again after this message. I came across your site by chance and it struck me with an odd sadness. I don't really know how to describe exactly how it made me feel, but I hope things can get better for you.



a possum

I just wanna say that your music is like nothing I've ever heard before. And I love it. I really hope you will feel better




i found your music from a spotify playlist called noise noise noise and i enjoyed it immensely by how loud and noisy some of the tracks could be and then there'd be a moment of clarity (like in ずっと一緒だよ)
thanks for the music i hope you get more listeners



grav into graden

mwa hahaha ahahaahahah whahah AHAHHAHAAHA AHAHAHAHAAHA A AHA HA
(this is my message)



我听了你所有的专辑,感觉很棒。期待着未来还能够听到更多你的音乐。同时你的博客也很有意思,我喜欢你那些倾注自己感情的文章,尤其当你讲述那些你喜欢的事物的时候,无论是音乐也好动漫也好游戏也好,我似乎能感觉到你分享自己喜爱东西时的热烈和喜悦。由于时间有限,所以我只听了你推荐的音乐专辑,哦,还有The Mistic Artchives Of Dantalian,都很有趣。比较巧合的是我居然也恰巧听过COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS的歌,而且我也很喜欢black rock shooter。算是为数不多的共同之处了吧。当然其他的那些我也有记录下来,等有空的时候我会慢慢看完的,比如ff14(我的电脑很老可能带不动),klonoa,Mr. Rainer‘s Solve-It Service这些我有空会去试着玩玩的。







hi just putting this here to say you're a great inspiration to me both artistically and socially, its unreal how much your posts and lyrics resonate with me i almost feel like theyre about me sometimes! things arent so good for me right now but knowing someone else has gone through similar stuff gives me atleast a momentary comfort... i always get addicted to your music when things are tough and its helped me alot before, hopefully ill look back on this message in a few months and smile




I have longed to die in her pale arms crystalline....
To become an ode to silence.

Now the snow has fallen and raised this white mountain,
On which you will die and fade away in silence.




i love your music it's an inspiration and helps me continue on. melancholy is temporary and things will get better!




i can't remember how i found your music but it has been nothing but ethereal melancholy whenever i listen to it. it compels me to feel, be sensitive to what lies within me. your artistic expression astonishes me. thank you for the music and the image. i'm overjoyed by the fact that i found this website.




Found SORBET after digging through the lo-fi/shoegaze tags on Bandcamp and it was probably the only album that blew me away that I hadn't heard before. It strikes just the right shoegaze chord in me, a good blend of wall-of-noise and melody. It's great. I can't wait to hear what you make in the future!




I have been loosely following your site for a couple of years now. The music wasn't my stripe, but I appreciated it for what it was. I had a lot of wishes for you. I sympathized quite a good deal with what was written in the blog posts. When I had discovered the site, I felt a lot of the same things, dealing with similar struggles. It is good now to check back and find an update after so long that explains how things have gotten better. Life has gotten much better for me over the last year and a half or so as well, though for different reasons than you. I hope you continue to do well and congrats on the marriage! Don't get swept up in the honeymoon...




been listening for a while and i just want to say your music is beautiful. i found your posts very heartbreaking and relatable and on reading your latest post, i'm glad to see that things are better for you. i hope these good times last forever. ♡




Hey, it's been a while. I was listening to your music today and was wondering how you'd been doing. I had a feeling about some things, but there was much I did not know. As I was returning home, listening to your music and reading your blog posts, I had to put my glasses on and deliberately fog them up using my face mask to hide all the tears and the snot from the rest of the packed bus. It only worked for a few minutes, so after that I just decided to let the tears roll down in silence instead. It was a good way to experience your music, I think.

I wish I had reached out and connected you more often, when both of us were in the same common spaces. But I'm grateful for the times we did spend together, bonding over JoJo, getting piss drunk watching Sora no Woto, exchanging music recs, even seeing CotD live together. I remember your kindness and how you insisted that I go to that show with you. It was a great show.

I'm really glad you found your happiness. Truly. I wish you and your partner the best, and I'm looking forward to more of your art, whatever form that'll take. For what it's worth, I was listening to your music today because I was using it as inspiration.

I hope we can meet at a show again sometime, I still owe you for that ticket. Cheers
