not a day goes by when i dont wish things were different. wishing that fate had something else in store for him and us and me. but here we are. a goddess trapped in the decaying corpse of a dead boy. but we made our choice... for better of worse... a dead girl and an idiot god who decided to throw away everything to fail at saving someone who didnt deserve saving.

sobe_sophea on discord
sobe or sobe_tan on irc
you can listen to my music on spotify (dreamer's end & SORBET) and all the other streaming places, thanks to broken camera records. if youd like to support me my bandcamp is the best place to do so.
im fey. i make music under the name ソーベ and i also have a band called SORBET. i play final fantasy 14 on midgardsormr on aether. i also play old school runescape you can find me in the woodcutting guild. i like animal crossing, minecraft, monster hunter. i like anime & manga like sora no woto, houseki no kuni, shoujo shuumatsu ryokou, blame!, yuyushiki, flying witch, haruhi, becchin & mandara, oddman 11. i like taking photos of the sky and i like dogs.

making music is something i love doing and it helps me with a lot of stuff. i make music for myself but i am hugely grateful for everyone who has listened to or bought my music, tapes, or sent kind messages. it really means a lot. i am mentally ill and also not very clever and i do a lot of stupid things. but thank you to the people who have supported me, and for being patient and understanding.
i am also sorry if some of the content on this website is upsetting to people who know me. i am definitely a difficult person to know and be around. i am not doing well but i am trying my best.